Full Previews of New Books: Volume II and Wheel of the Year

I’m super excited to show you these two full previews! The books will both be available on June 17, 2019.

Coloring Book of Shadows: Volume II

(see pictures and get eventual links to buy here)

Wheel of the Year

A re-issue of the 2019 and 2018 Planners, with no calendars and dates.
(See pictures and get eventual links to buy here.)

aww yeah! Hope you like them!

They’ll be available June 17, 2019 in paperback, hardcover, PDF, and spiral bound.

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Comments 24

  1. Aww I can’t wait! I have the 2018-2019 planners already but that art looked all new so this is fair game too. I love your books. I can’t say I have colored them all but I sure can say I have collected them all.

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  2. Mi Ringrazio mi cara bambina preziosa ero augurando che questo accada


    dalla scrivania di Madrina

  3. Amy,I love your books. I also have all of your books,and cannot wait to get my hands on these. I love to color,and you illustrate the stuff I enjoy (my craft). Thank you,so very,very much for your art. Namaste❤️??️??☯️??????️??

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  4. Amy,

    These are incredible! I can’t wait to add them to my collection. I was also pleased to hear that Volume I is getting a new cover. I am so looking forward to getting that version as well. Keep up the amazing art and sharing it with the world – just seeing your work makes me feel so much better and personally, I think artists such as yourself help to make the world a better place!

  5. I love and look forward to everything you put out, so I am super excited! These look wonderful ?. Do you think you will make any more individual sabbat books like the Yule book? I really love the idea of collecting all of them, so I hope you say yes.

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      hi Deborah — yes! I want to make ALL the sabbats, just don’t know when that’ll happen. I’m going to do everything I can to try to get the Samhain one out by October 2019, but I’m cutting it close :/

      1. Really? Wooohoooo! Can’t wait! A full wheel of the year individual sabbat set would SO rock! The Samhain book is gonna be awesome!

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      Not yet for Wheel of the Year, but I might do a Southern Hemisphere one in the future. Volume II doesn’t have anything seasonal, so that will work anywhere on the planet xo

  6. YAAAAASSSSSS!!!! So excited!! There goes this months witchcraft budget ? if they’re coming out paperback on the 17th when can we expect them in our local metaphysical shops?? :3 thank you so much for your art and insight!! It’s been a blessing to my studies 🙂

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      aww thanks so much, Katie! The distributor is pretty quick to ship orders out to shops — maybe a week or two?!

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  7. Amy,
    Hi.. you know I love all you books, so excited about this one…you have given me a magical purpose for my coloring skills and for that I thank you. I might not post much in the group but I’m always lurking around watching and learning, again I thank you.

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  8. Just can’t wait!! I’ve been coloring in volume one and your Tarot book every day. My way of meditating.
    Please keep them coming!

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  9. Hello! I am so excited about all these new books!
    I was wondering if you might ever consider having a section/book/pages devoted to sigil making? I am just starting to learn about this in my craft and would love to have something in your art style to incorporate into my (coloring) book of shadows…the practice itself does not seem to sit anywhere particular for me in the first grimoire set I have.

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      hi Sarah, thanks so much!

      The “blank” section at the end of the new “Volume 2” book could work pretty well for sigils and things – I’ve thought about it but it hasn’t made it specifically quite yet xox

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