Here’s a deeper look at what makes this a powerful book of magic — as well as some of the fascinating inspiration and art history behind it.
You can watch the short video preview here, or just read-on below to check out the pictures and text!

You might already know that the theme for this book is the magic of the moon.
And that there will be a black and white version as well as a NEW full color version, so I’ll be showing you pages from both.
First, as succinctly (and beautifully!) as I could, I’ve included this essential guide to moon magic — it has some of the magical mechanics of what to do when — but it also covers the deeper nuances of intention setting, using your emotions, and making real magic work for you.

Witches have been using moon magic for thousands of years. It’s well within your power — and the moon can and will assist you in bringing your wildest dreams to life.
And then onto the monthly planner pages —

Where — yes! If this art is familiar to you, you’re probably a little excited to recognize it.
These 12 monthly pages are a take on a super famous set of illuminated manuscripts — a Book of Hours from the early 1400’s, Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.

A Book of Hours was actually the most popular type of book in the middle ages, while some were plain with just text and some had elaborate hand-drawn illustrations.
These books were all a little different, but they had similarities as they were filled with prayers , yearly feasts, dates and calendars, spiritual inspiration and things of that nature.
Sound familiar?! That’s right — there’s really nothing new about my series of books — Book of Hours have been poplar for centuries.
Anyway —
A Book of Hours is a style of book that has withstood the test of time, because the concept is pretty awesome, and they really do help to carry your focus and energy forward with intention over the days, months, and hours.
Now, these medieval books were typically based on Christian text, but of course, I’ve witched this one up pretty good for you.
However, it still riffs heavily off of this famous 15th century work — these amazing astrological moon calendars up top and many of the scenes are directly inspired by this legendary Book of Hours.

I’ve also included a monthly moon spell or ritual, as well as weekly planner pages with moon-themed art and smaller bits of magic to keep you going through the days and hours.

And so — the Planner for a Magical 2023 has all of the magical charm of a medieval Book of Hours – but it’s made for you—the modern witch—to experience and find your own path of powerful magic in 2023.
So I hope you like it! (…. I think you’ll like it! 😸✨)
Both versions of the Planner for a Magical 2023— in black and white and full color — will be available October 3, 2022.
Thanks for checking it out!
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Comments 4
You have outdone yourself once again, Amy. I love this planner! The colored version is so extraordinary and such a modern take on the work of the Limbourg Brothers. I will be getting both versions and another as a gift. I was hoping you would do a Moon book and this planner will be the best moon book ever! Thank you.
Oh, Amy. You are exceptionally talented. Thank you for the lovely work you do for the public. I just received my cope and am looking forward to start my coloring fun. Again, thank you.
I am currently in the process of preparing my PDF pages for 2023 and I am so pleased with the artwork. I absolutely love the Limbourg books of hours that I have, and you have paid the brothers a wonderful tribute with this planner. Once again, a fabulous book. Thank you so much for helping me to incorporate art into my practice!
Hello, will the color version for 2023 be available via PDF?