WITCH’S ALCHEMY: 2021 Planner Re-Release

AVAILABLE JUNE 10, 2021 Are you not a “planner person?!” Did you love the art and spells in the Planner for a Magical 2021 but not the “pesky dates and calendars?!” Want to enjoy this magical book any time or any year without the PRESSURE OF THE TICKING CLOCK?! ? While the “Magical Year” Planner series continues to be my …

New Covers for “Old” Books

Do you ever want to play the “re-do” card in life??? It’s Mercury Retrograde as I write this — and — I sure do! Maybe you f####d something up a bit — or maybe you’ve just got a new perspective now and want to evolve it or try again. In this spirit, I’ve re-covered and re-titled two of my previous …

“Book of Samhain” Preview & Release Date

??? Coming Soon: “THE BOOK OF SAMHAIN” (with a secret new title) It is finally complete! I’ve been savoring this as my secret book of magic for a couple months, but I’m getting excited to share, so here are a few preview pics.   RELEASE DATE: JULY 23, 2021. (links and more info soon!) The cover is wickedly awesome and it’s PACKED! So packed! (PACKED, …