In anticipation of the release of the Green Witch’s Herbal… I’m sharing my hottest tips on how to color plants and leaves with style and a little witchy flair.
I hope these inspire your creativity and a bit of art-magic in your life! (watch the video below or scroll down to keep reading.)
Try using more than one color, or use pencil pressure to get different values/colors out of just one pencil. And the color doesn’t have to be green. Experiment with non-green leaves or with adding bits of accent color within the green.
Here are some great colors to try for leaves—other than green:
Orange & Red
Blue and purple.

Leave light or white in your witchy coloring for highlights and to make a contrast between different leaves. And color darker in the shadowy nooks and crannies, especially where leaves overlap.
Even if you just use one pencil, you can make a lot of contrast between dark and light by leaving white space.
When you’re coloring leaves that overlap, try to make the farther or lowest layers a little darker, and leave more light (or use a contrasting, brighter color) on the top leaves so they stand out from the bunch below.
And don’t be afraid to venture into the dark side here. Leaves are the perfect place to play with adding lots of shadows and witchy moods to your page.

These might seem a little intimidating at first, but I promise, once you start, you won’t want to stop. Details are so much fun and it’s a great opportunity to allow yourself to get a little creative.
All you need is a white gel pen or a couple of metallic gel pens (like Gelly Roll pens). Then try these ideas:
– Outline some of the leaves or shapes with a white gel pen or a metallic gel pen in gold, silver, or green. You can get some really cool custom looks with just a touch of outline.
– Outline using the same color as the leaf to smooth the edges in, or use a contrasting color to make them stand out. Try white gel pen to lighten the leaf — or a dark green metallic to fade a green leaf into the background.
– Add white or metallic gel pen accents like dots, lines, mini stars, little blemishes, hatch marks, patterns, tiny insects, splatters, or anything else you can think of.

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I bet if you give even one of these three tips a try, you’ll surprise yourself with how awesome it turns out (yay, you!)
Want to learn more?
I’ll show you how to color these pages step by step in The Art Witch’s Guide to Coloring — along with many more tips, tricks, and useful bits of art witchery to inspire your coloring pages and beyond.
If you’ve wanted to take your coloring to the next level I think you’ll love this course, but don’t take my word for it… see what these witches had to say:
“I’m finally comfortable with actual coloring and shading, thanks to this course. I’ve gone my whole life feeling like I didn’t have an artistic bone in my body, but now I’m confident.
“This course was truly amazing and inspiring!”
And if you like coloring plants and herbs… I think you’ll love the Green Witch’s Herbal.

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Comments 7
Great tips. I had know idea there was so much to discover about coloring.
The tips are great. And this book looks awesome. I can’t wait to get my spiral bound copy. I had no idea the was so much to coloring. I already have a couple other books of Amys’. I will be purchasing all of them. I really want to take her class too.
thanks so much, Christi! <3
I love you page’s
aww thank you!
I love ❤️ all of your work!
thanks so much