Planner for a Magical 2020 — Preview, Cover Reveal, & Release Date! ✨??

… When the tarot points to the Full Moon on October 13th …

​Hi and happy September!

(scroll down to see the photo previews)

The release date for the 2020 planner is officially October 13th, 2019 — I added SO MANY COOL DETAILS and things that needed more time to finish, but also because… the tarot!

I consulted the tarot about this book release (as you do!) and pulled these 3 cards — clearly “Moon” and “Thirteen” (6+7=13!) — and October’s full moon is on the 13th. So… there you have it! (And how would you have interpreted these cards?! Differently?)

Coloring Book of Shadows: Planner for a Magical 2020 | Printable Grimoire Pages | Witchy Planners | Witchcraft Books

Planner for a Magical 2020 – Available October 13, 2019

The vision behind this planner is to imagine the possibilities of what life would be like if you connect to your magic — all year. And I’m STOKED to share a little more of what’s inside — watch the video preview above and see some pics of what’s inside below.

Here are the details — and don’t be shy about leaving a comment if you have any questions!

Planner for a Magical 2020 – Available October 13, 2019 

– Paperback w/standard 50# paper 
– Spiral-Bound w/ premium 70# paper (upgraded from last year – you’re welcome!) 
– Hardcover w/premium 70# paper 
– Printable PDF in “Letter” Size (8.5 x 11” or A4) 
– Printable PDF in A5 Size 

Make sure to sign up for email notifications if you haven’t already — I’ll send out infrequent updates about this book’s release (as well as some free pages throughout the year!).

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Comments 83

    1. Post
      1. Dearest Amy
        One is so happy to have this information – sure I want the A5 one I shall ask at Amazon uk but the downloadable version and the spiral bound version
        Are they available in Etsy – please darling it will save me the trouble of haunting them – also why was there a token thingy on your picture – I could not copy it to save – may I have a copy
        Your comment that I was permitted to be Madrina was charming and much thought of so I say bye bye for now
        Patricia Madrina tua

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          Yes the printable will be on Etsy — when they are all ready we’ll talk/email and I’ll make sure you have all the right links to buy xox

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            hi Ruth! Yes, they’ll be on Amazon in the UK and also other online booksellers there — not exactly sure which but I’ll investigate and try to post some more info on the webpage before the 13th xo

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      1. I’m so excited! I thought for sure I was going to get the A5 printable, but I love the cover so much that I may end up just purchasing the spiral bound one for upgraded paper and unbinding and punching it again like it didn’t this year!

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          ???? aww thank you so much, Alyssa! I’m so glad you like the cover! I have been including a full-color printable page of the cover in the last couple books and I’ll include it in this one (as well as one you can color yourself) — just fyi 😀

          But the “deconstruction” method works really well, too!

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  1. I am so excited for the ‘new stuff ‘ that you have added to the planner! Oh my goodness! So excited! Yay for coloring! Yay for your pages! Just yay!!!! ?

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  2. Looks amazing – will this be suitable for those of us living in the northern hemisphere at all?
    And will you ship to the UK?
    Many thanks

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      hi Ness! yes — this version out on Oct. 13th is Northern Hemisphere, and it is set in EST (New York) time zone, so +5 hours for UK. I will also have a “southern hemisphere” version available, and that one will say “Southern Hemisphere” on the cover — the North Hemi one is just called “Planner for a Magical 2020” 😀

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  3. Hello Amy!

    I am so excited to purchase the 2020 planner! And to receive the Samhain freebie (your Samhain pages are always so tastefully done without anything scary- you truly know what it’s about)!
    Love and blessings,

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      aww thanks so much, Melissa!! Hahah very true — I love a bit of mystique and a bit of “spooky” but not “too scary!” ???

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      oh I wish! Ha! Probably not this year — maybe someday? BUT it’s still a really fun and useful book even in black & white — no coloring required! 😀

      (and I MIGHT have something like planner stickers in color and a few other things up my sleeve — so stay tuned for that!)

      thanks so much

        1. Post

          aww thanks!! I’m still working on the stickers, might not be till next year/future but I’ve started planning and scheming for them!

          1. Hello Amy,

            I too agree with Candace- STICKERS!!! Please know you’ve got another follower who’d LOVE you to add stickers at some point (sooner rather than later, of course, but even if they’re later – that’ll be AWESOME!!!

            Sending some of my creative energy your way – not that you need any!

            Thank you SO MUCH for you incredible Wiccan/Witchy art – you are such an inspiration, such a gift to the community!

            Bright Blessings,

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  4. OMGods and Goddesses! I’m super excited for this to come out! Oct 13th is super special in our family, so having this planner will be a great help.

    Do you have any pre order procedures available?

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      aww that’s awesome Charyl! I’m so glad 😀

      I’m going to try to get a pre-order up for the spiral-bound and hardcovers. It could be as early as mid-September — and I’ll email again on Oct. 1 with links if so!

  5. I’m so excited! My birthday is close to the first of October, and I always get money. This will be a part of my birthday present! I’ve gotten your planners every year, and they really help me plan my magic and just feel more witchy. I just absolutely love your work!

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      hi Diana! Better/easier than a paperback for sure — but not as flat-flat-flat as a spiral!

      The hardcovers are really gorgeous and well done — and also very “standard” as hardbacks go — so if you’ve got a hardback book on your shelf… it’ll behave very similarly!

  6. Hello,

    How nice you have so many different formats available.

    What are the prices for the different formats.

    Soft Cover
    Hard Cover
    Spiral bound


    Sandy Lynn

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      Hi Sandy Lynn! I’m not 100% sure yet and I’ll update as soon as I can — it’ll be $15-$16 or maybe less for the paperback, and $30+ for the spiral/hardback (with upgraded paper from last year). The PDF will be in the middle.

  7. Love your colour pages immensely! Can’t wait for the “down-under” version – so much Wicca/Witchcraft stuff is northern and they forget about how the seasons are different down here in Australia etc ☹️

    Will there be an option for a PDF downloadable version of the 2020 planner rather than just buying the book? (I have a beautiful wood covered book I put everything into)

    1. Post

      hi Kerri! Aww thanks so much!! Yes — I’ll get the Southern Hemi version ready for you as soon as I can! And YES, there will be PDF’s available for the Southern Hemisphere version as well (both A4 “letter” paper and smaller A5 size).

  8. This is definitely going to make me want to keep up with my planner. I just ordered your tarot book, and I can’t wait to get it. I’ll eventually own them all.

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      Hi Meagan! I’ll have the Southern Hemisphere version ready in early November/possibly late October. Not sure on the exact cost yet, $25 USD or less with possible VAT added depending on your country xox

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      aww yay that’s so cool!! I’ve heard from a few very magical people with the same birthday — you all should form an online coven or something ????

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      yes it will be! All the versions will be “up” and linked on my website by Oct. 13, hopefully a little sooner xo

  9. I am so excited about this planner! I have been watching for the release date since March of this year! I absolutely love everything about it! The color ready art, the spells, the format…everything! So looking forward to sharing 2020 with this magickal text! Thank you!

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  10. Just came across your books on Pinterest this week and immediately ordered Witch Life. It was delivered today and I cannot wait to get home and start coloring!! (Counting down the hours til I leave work.) I will definitely be ordering the 2020 planner also. And the Tarot one. And maybe the Book of Shadows. Probably all of them. Lol! These are exactly what I’ve been needing; this year I am working towards improving my commitment to Craft. Thank you!!

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  11. I own all your books and very excited to add this one to it. I’m excited to see what the spiral bound will look like. I want to use my TomBows to color so I’m leaning towards the spiral. I noticed the hardcover is available on Amazon…is this correct?

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      hi Elysia!! If you want to use Tombow markers or any markers/watercolors — the PDF is really the best/only option that won’t bleed thru! All of the printed books (paperback, hardcover, and spiral) are printed on both sides of the paper — so markers will bleed — even on the thicker paper!

      Printing the PDF’s single-sided on your own cardstock/thick paper is the best way to go for markers xo

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      Hi Emma! The calendar/planner parts start on Jan. 1, 2020 (actually a couple days before, Dec. 29/30) but there is lots to color and do ahead of time if you plan to color it!

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