Looking for some inspiration to color your “April” pages? Check out how I’ve colored the moon, a crystal ball, some awesome purple potions, flowers, and more! I still have a few pages left to color this month, but hopefully, this will give you some ideas and inspiration to start coloring your own if you haven’t yet. Pencils used: Prismacolor Premier …
Three Small Spells
hi! I wanted to share these three spells that I wrote in case you need a little extra magic in your life. Feel free to pin, share, and cast as you like. A Spell to Increase Wealth On the full moon, assemble a witch jar or charm bag with an odd number of wealth correspondences like pyrite, quartz, coins, …
A Look Inside My Personal Witchcraft Practice
Hi! I’ve been inspired to share a bit about my own witchcraft practice in case it’s helpful to get a glimpse of how another witch works. The Rules of No Rules: First, spirituality and the definition of your witch-self is super personal, and I believe each witch should practice exactly as they feel. And that there’s no right or wrong …
Coloring March Correspondences: White Sage, a Hare, and Mars
Here are a few of the March Correspondences that I’ve colored recently, along with notes to share the colored pencils a that I used. These pages are from the Planner for a Magical 2018, and I’m using Prismacolor Premier pencils (the specific pencil colors I used are listed below, so scroll down if you want to check that out!) Wild …
How to Color a Magical Charm Bag and Crystals
Color-along with me and see how to color this magical charm bag and two different reddish-pink crystals. I’ll also show you how I colored white flowers (yarrow and jasmine!) using grey colored pencil for the shadows, as well as this adorable bunch of magical rowan berries that all look a little different yet cohesive as a whole! Alright! Watch the …
Ostara Ritual Ideas to Manifest A Bright Future
Make the Most of Your Ostara Ritual The Spring Equinox is the time where the earth’s energy for new growth and opportunity is at its strongest. Life-energy is rising all around us. It’s a super-powerful time to set your intentions for the upcoming year. If you want to use this energy to make magic happen in your own life, here are …
Emotional Shifts with Neptune and the Sun in Pisces
Hi there, here’s the dreamy blue and green Pisces page I colored from the Coloring Book of Shadows. We’ve entered the Astrological Energy of Neptune and the Sun in Pisces, and here are some ideas on how you can tune into that magic to break out of old emotional patterns. Pisces is a water sign, representing emotion, the subconscious, dreams, …
A Spell to Learn from your Dreams
From the Planner for a Magical 2018, a spell to learn from your dreams and become more aware of your subconscious. March is an awesome time to dream, both the subconscious ones while sleeping and by tuning into your “real” dreams, or that inner voice and calling. March begins with the sun in Pisces, a watery symbol of dreaminess, the moon, …
Coloring an Aquamarine Crystal
See how I Color an Aquamarine Crystal In this short video (colored and recorded live on Facebook!) I’ll show you how to color a simple Aquamarine Crystal. There are a lot of different ways to color stones and crystals, and this one uses just 3 shades of aqua-blue Prismacolor Premier pencil. Try it in any color you like, and on anything …
How I Use Moon Magic for Longer Projects
Hi! I’m Amy Cesari, author and illustrator of the Coloring Book of Shadows. I recently created this Moon Magic page set, (yours free with sign-up!) and it gave me the idea to share a bit deeper into how I like to work with the moon in my own practice, specifically on big projects that take several moon cycles to complete. …