New Book Announcement: Green Witch’s Herbal

I’m guessing you might be the kind of witch who loves plants.  Maybe you’re sensitive to their shapes, smells, or tastes— and you probably want to know more about them. Plants were our first sources of food and medicine, and that’s why they are so alluring and so powerful to many who practice witchcraft and other magical arts.  This book …

Coloring Book of Shadows: Witch Life

The Coloring Book of Shadows Shop

I’ve had so many requests to buy “direct” from me so I started my own witchy little bookshop a couple of months ago. And I’ve updated the shop to have ALL THE BOOKS, including: Spiral-bound versions Printable PDF’s (instant download!)  Paperbacks and hardcovers of the entire catalog​ The Book of Secrets (the full collection of exclusive email-only pages sent from 2016-2021) Check it out …

Halloween Coloring Challenge

Sign up here to get the free page! Join the CHALLENGE SIGN ME UP We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime. Built with ConvertKit THE 4-DAY* CHALLENGE HAS BEGUN. The “live” part of the challenge has ended, but you can still get the page and all of the instructions by signing up above. HERE’S WHAT WE’LL COLOR: You can get …

Season of the Witch Book Release Details

Season of the Witch: Spells for Samhain & HalloweenAvailable July 23, 2021 (or sooner) in the following versions: HARDCOVER: you can pre-order it now, and it *should* ship to arrive BEFORE July 23rd, 2021. You can also purchase this on Barnes and Noble and other online bookshops, or ask your local shop to carry it (ask for ISBN #978-1953660015).  PAPERBACK: will be available on Amazon and …

Season of the Witch – Watch the Preview!

SEASON OF THE WITCH: SPELLS FOR SAMHAIN & HALLOWEENAvailable July 23, 2021. Watch a preview now (& scroll down for a few pics.) More details to come ✨?? SEASON OF THE WITCH: SPELLS FOR SAMHAIN & HALLOWEENAvailable July 23, 2021. (More details to come!)

WITCH’S ALCHEMY: 2021 Planner Re-Release

AVAILABLE JUNE 10, 2021 Are you not a “planner person?!” Did you love the art and spells in the Planner for a Magical 2021 but not the “pesky dates and calendars?!” Want to enjoy this magical book any time or any year without the PRESSURE OF THE TICKING CLOCK?! ? While the “Magical Year” Planner series continues to be my …

New Covers for “Old” Books

Do you ever want to play the “re-do” card in life??? It’s Mercury Retrograde as I write this — and — I sure do! Maybe you f####d something up a bit — or maybe you’ve just got a new perspective now and want to evolve it or try again. In this spirit, I’ve re-covered and re-titled two of my previous …

“Book of Samhain” Preview & Release Date

??? Coming Soon: “THE BOOK OF SAMHAIN” (with a secret new title) It is finally complete! I’ve been savoring this as my secret book of magic for a couple months, but I’m getting excited to share, so here are a few preview pics.   RELEASE DATE: JULY 23, 2021. (links and more info soon!) The cover is wickedly awesome and it’s PACKED! So packed! (PACKED, …

“Live” Launch Party for the Planner for a Magical 2021

JOIN ME FOR A LIVE LAUNCH PARTY – October 1, 2020 at 6 PM EST  I’m having a little “launch party” for the Planner for a Magical 2021, and you’re invited! ???? I won’t be shooting off in a witchy space rocket—although that always comes to mind when people talk about a “launch” for a book or thing. Hah!!  I will be …

Coloring Book of Shadows Planner for a Magical 2021

Win a copy of the Planner for a Magical 2021!

To celebrate the launch of the Planner for a Magical 2021 — I’m giving away 3 copies. They’ll be signed by me and I’m also going to color the page above in each of the winner’s books. ha!NOTE: this contest is only running for a few days — it ends SEPTEMBER 29th, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST. So get in …