Have a memorable and magical Halloween.

Available in paperback, spiral-bound, hardcover, and printable PDF.

Explore the magic of Samhain and Halloween through meaningful crafts and powerful rituals.

A different kind of spell book, Season of the Witch is a book of magic to make Halloween meaningful, deepen (or begin) your witchcraft practice, and learn ways to celebrate this iconic witch’s holiday.

Each page is rich with spellcraft, symbolism, inspiration, and ancient lore--the magic that made you fall in love with Halloween in the first place.

So if you've ever wanted to celebrate on a deeper level, make this year memorable and magical with Season of the Witch.

  • 8.5" x 11" size
  • Printed single-sided on the page
  • Over 90 pages of detailed art to color or enjoy in black and white.

See What's Inside...

An illustrated introduction to the celebrations of Samhain & Halloween
Witch Lore, Legends, and Rituals to Practice Your Own Samhain Magic
Costumes, Kitchen Witchcraft, and Games for a Meaningful Halloween

Season of the Witch Spells for Samhain & Halloween

Amy Cesari

About the Author...

hi I’m Amy, forest dwelling Author, Illustrator, and high-powered Magical Business Consultant. I’m also an avid crocheter, gardener, and have a ridiculously goofy sense of humor.

Not only do I own every Nintendo game console ever made, I’ve got several fancy diplomas -- including a Master’s in Business, a Bachelor's in Industrial Art, and Advanced Studies in Various Magical Practices.

Contact me at amy@coloringbookofshadows.com

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